REK 66 Small Business Cruise invites classic car aficionados to help support small local business.

Starting 11 a.m. Saturday, March 26, participants will meet at the Rust is Gold parking lot at 3732 Eubank NE, and cruise up the old Route 66 Highway to end at Rumor Brewing in Cedar Crest, 28 Arroyo Seco Road in Cedar Crest.

One of New Mexico’s most unique and somewhat hidden features is on the old Route 66. Between mile markers 5 and 6, there is a stretch called the Musical Highway. If one drives the passenger side of their vehicle over this area slightly right, the tones of the road will play “America the Beautiful” while going 45 mph.

Musical roads are known to be in countries throughout the world such as Denmark, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, the United States, China, Iran, Taiwan and Indonesia.

So if folks want to take the kiddos out for this classic cruise and hear some cool tunes, check out the event  at

Rene Thompson

Local award-winning journalist and proud Burqueña over 25 years. Published in ABQ Free Press, Elbow Room NM, Alibi and NM Entertainment Magazine. Passionate about local issues and seeking the good news of our great city. Contact at:

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