Some students at Volcano Vista High School saw their senior year off to a rough start as they arrived to the first day of school Wednesday to find their custom-painted parking spots had been vandalized.

The school charges $40 for a regular parking pass, but it costs $75 if seniors want to paint their spot. Dozens of 12th-graders spent Saturday painting their reserved spot in advance of Wednesday’s first day of the school year.

A handful of those creatively designed spots were vandalized with spray paint some point after Saturday with vulgarity. One spot appeared to be spray painted over with “Cougar wins.” Another had “Ceebs rules,” causing one parent on Facebook to ask Cibola High School, whose mascot is a Cougar, to hold students accountable for the damage.

Two parking spots appeared to just have a bucket of paint thrown on them.

Kevin Hendricks

Kevin, also known as Steak Sauce, is a reporter for the Neighborhood Journal with a focus on the Ventana Ranch area. He has over 14 years of journalism experience, including reporting, editing and page design.

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