Eldorado High school has put out a list for students to get the leg up they need to succeed with the free tutoring options list for this year.

Below are those resources and how they can be accessed. 

After-school tutoring at EHSmath and science: 2:30-4 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, EHS Media Center.

National Honor Society peer-to-peer tutoring: contact Ms. Moleres in Z-114.

CNM Math, Science, English, Spanish, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Montoya Campus, RB Hall/Morris between Montgomery and Spain. Call 505-224-5990. Spanish help has  limited hours so call first. EHS students welcome; bring student ID.

UNMMath through Calculus, writing, ESL, additional subjects online tutoring: caps.unm.edu/services/hs-olc.php  Check website after Aug. 29 for hours.

ATF Homework Hotline in English and Spanish, all subjects: 5:30-8 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Closed on Albuquerque Public Schools holidays. Call 505-344-3571

ABQ/Bernalillo County Library System online help. Live online homework help and writing assistance, 2-11 p.m. daily: Visit abqlibrary.org/home; log in with your library card and click “Research,” then “eResources & Databases,” then “Brainfuse Help Now.” Don’t have a library card? Apply in person at any library.

Khan Academy: Online tutoring in math and other subjects at www.khanacademy.org

If parents are looking for a more vigorous tutoring program, or want to get started with ACT/SAT prep, below are some sources that are not free, but highly recommended by Albuquerque Public Schools.

A+ Academic Coaching (Mark Ayers, director): 2500 Louisiana NE Suite #305. 505-888-7643, www.apluscoaching.com ore mark@apluscoaching.com 

Huntington Learning Center: 8201 Golf Course Road NW. 505-797-3073, Albuquerque_west.huntingtonhelps.com. Test prep and tutoring in all subject areas.

Kaplan Test Prep (online and in-person options): 1-800-KAP-TEST or www.kaptest.com/college 

Jacqui Spence (math/science) and Ann Harris-Davidson (English/reading). Private ACT and SAT test prep tutoring in Albuquerque; summer test prep at Bosque School, 505-385-6312; Singing Turtle (Kathy Rappaport), SingingTurtle.com, Kathy@singingturtle.com, 505-690-4478. Based in Santa Fe; Skype sessionsand sliding scale available 

Sylvan Learning Center: 10555 Montgomery Blvd. NE Bldg. 1, Suite 70; 505-296-1155 or www.sylvanlearning.com 

Tutor Doctor: Byron Zahm: 505-545-8500 or 505-359-8300, bzahm@tutordoctor.com or tutordoctor.com/Albuquerque. Small test prep group classes at Grace Church in northeast Albuquerque.

Tutor-Me (Sandra): 505-307-4170 5528 Eubank Blvd. NE Suite #6. Free assessment, test prep sessions and bootcamps, tutoring.

TutorNet (Paul Rejhon): Tutoring and ACT/SAT test prep in Albuquerque. Call 505-265-7799.

Rene Thompson

Local award-winning journalist and proud Burqueña over 25 years. Published in ABQ Free Press, Elbow Room NM, Alibi and NM Entertainment Magazine. Passionate about local issues and seeking the good news of our great city. Contact at: rthompson@neighborhoodjournal.com

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