With gas getting higher due to the holiday weekend, along with everything else, its more imperative than ever to check to see what locations which have cheaper gas to fill up. The average price per gallon in Bernalillo County is $4.45.

Here are the closest locations for the Northeast Heights area with the cheapest gas, according to Gas Buddy.

• Sam’s Club at 1421 N. Renaissance Blvd. NE is a $4.05

• Costco at 1420 N. Renaissance Blvd. NE is at $4.10

Rene Thompson

Local award-winning journalist and proud Burqueña over 25 years. Published in ABQ Free Press, Elbow Room NM, Alibi and NM Entertainment Magazine. Passionate about local issues and seeking the good news of our great city. Contact at: rthompson@neighborhoodjournal.com

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