The Open Space Visitor Center is hosting The Solstice Seed Mandala creation event from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday.
The Solstice Seed Mandala creation is an annual community art-making event to celebrate the start of the winter season. You will create a Mandala using different kinds of grains and seeds. The seeds of the mandala serve to feed birds and the mandala remains in place for about a week. Participants contribute to the design and help to build the Mandala.
Creating the Mandala will be a daylong experience. A variety of seeds of different colors will be available to use in the creation. The Mandala will be left for wildlife in the area for Sandhill Cranes and Canada Geese to feed from.
At 11 a.m., Regina Ress and Scott and Johanna Hongell-Darsee will share stories and songs from around the world while you create the Mandala.
The event is free.