Black Friday marks the unofficial start of the Christmas shopping season. In the past, it has been associated with big savings and even bigger crowds as many shoppers want to get an early start on shopping and get the best deals.
Cottonwood Mall was a little busier than usual Friday morning, but the crowd was nowhere as big as it has been in years past.

The Best Buy on Ellison had a full parking lot, but the store was calm.

Kayla Herrera, who said she has particpated in Black Friday shopping for the past decade, said this was the least busy one she’s seen.
“I don’t know what’s going on, but there are usually way more people out shopping today,” Herrera said. “I don’t mind though; it’s actually pretty relaxing.”
Relaxing and Black Friday are hardly mentioned together as videos stream in from around the country showing grown adults fighting over TVs and toys. But not in NW Albuquerque.
Herrera said more and more people are doing their shopping online.
“Everyone just goes on Amazon or whatever to get their gifts now,” Herrera said. “I do that, too, but I like getting out and seeing stuff in person.”