With the end of summer upon everyone, parents are looking to stock up on school supplies before the school year starts. Many retailers have already started stocking supplies. Here is a general elementary (kindergarten through fifth grade) school supplies list for Albuquerque Public Schools, while middle and high school range and vary from year to each class. Be sure to check with your student’s school or teacher for additional needs.
Kindergarten: One box facial tissue; 24 No. 2 pencils; a 24-count box crayons; one bottle white glue; four glue sticks; one pair of rounded scissors; two pocket folders (with brads); four pink erasers; one box colored pencils; two wide-lined spiral notebooks; one box washable markers
First grade: One box facial tissue; 24 No. 2 pencils; a 24-count box of crayons; four bottles of white glue; one pair of rounded scissors; five pocket folders (with brads); two pink erasers; one box colored pencils; four wide-lined spiral notebooks; one box watercolors; one glue stick; one zipper bag or school box; one package water-based markers.
Second grade: One box facial tissue; 24 No. 2 pencils (#2); a 24-count box of crayons; two bottles of white glue; two glue sticks; one pair of sharp scissors; six pocket folders (with brads); one pink eraser; one box colored pencils; one box watercolors; six wide-lined spiral notebooks; two packages of wide-lined paper; one package water-based markers; one ruler.
Third grade: One box facial tissue; 24 No. 2 pencils; a 24-count box of crayons; one bottle white glue; one pair of sharp scissors; four pocket folders (with brads); one pink eraser; six spiral notebooks; one package wide-lined paper; two glue sticks; one zipper bag; one package water-based markers; one yellow highlighter; one ruler; two red checking pencils.
Fourth grade: One box facial tissue; 24 No. 2 pencils; a 24-count box of crayons; one bottle white glue; one pair pointed scissors; six pocket folders (with brads); one pink eraser; one box colored pencils; two red checking pencils; four spiral notebooks; two packages wide-lined notebook paper; four glue sticks; one zipper bag or school box; one package water-based markers; four red pens; one ruler; one protractor; one compass; one pencil sharpener.
Fifth grade: One box facial tissue; 24 No. 2 pencils; a 24-count box of crayons; one bottle white glue; one pair of sharp scissors; six pocket folders (with brads); two pink erasers; one box colored pencils; one box watercolors; four wide-lined spiral notebooks; four packages of wide-lined paper; two glue sticks; one zipper bag or school box; two red pens; one package water-based markers; four erasable pens (black or blue); one ruler; one protractor; one compass.