Madison Middle School is looking for volunteers to help chaperone the upcoming fall dance and sell food items at the event.

“This dance not only provides our students the opportunity to enjoy a social event, it also is our first PTO (parent/teacher organization) fundraiser,” principal Tammy Crespin wrote in an email.

Students can dress up for the Oct. 28 Halloween-themed dance, but no weapons or gory costumes are allowed. The dance will take place from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the school gym.

To volunteer, parents and guardians must complete and pass a background check. To learn more about how to become a volunteer with Albuquerque Public Schools, visit

The school is also asking parents to donate food items to sell at the dance. An online sign-up sheet to donate food, chaperone or sell items at the dance can be found at Food items can be dropped off at the front office from now until Oct. 28.

For any questions, contact the parent engagement teacher sponsor Kevin Susco-Taylor at

Scott Albright

Scott covers hyper-local news in the La Cueva High School area of Albuquerque. He previously worked for The Independent newspaper in Edgewood, NM and has published work in the Alibi, Sangre de Cristo Chronicle, Taos News, Big Island Chronicle, and Hawaii 24/7.

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