Gas prices shot up across Albuquerque this week with average price per gallon jumping to $3.61 from $3.48 last week.
Only a handful of stations in northwest Albuquerque had prices below the city average.
Costco and Sam’s Club, which each require a membership, were at $3.34. The Murphy Express on Alameda and the Speedway on Alameda were both at $3.32. The Murphy Express on 528 was the lowest in the neighborhood at $3.28. The Speedway on Golf Course was at $3.49 and the Circle K on Unser was at $3.59.
Chevron again had the highest prices with the location on Coors and the one Alameda both at $3.99.
The Speedway on Paradise was at $3.69 as was the Valero on Paradise and the Smith’s on McMahon.