1.Westside Summerfest is Saturday at Ventana Ranch Community Park. The free, family-friendly event runs from 5-10 p.m. and will feature local musicians, vendors, breweries and more.

2. Volcano Vista High School kicks off its 2022 football season with a game under the Friday Night Lights at Community Stadium. The Hawks, seeded 10th in Class 6A, open up against No. 7 Las Cruces at 7 p.m.

3. Cabezon Park in Rio Rancho will be hosting another installment of its “Movies Under the Stars” series. At 8:30 p.m. Friday, “Dog” starring Channing Tatum will be shown in the park for free. Bring your blanket, chair, snacks and drinks.

Citywide events

4. The Asian Expo + Marketplace runs this weekend at Balloon Fiesta Park. The Business Expo runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with workshops to grow your business and round tables with business resources; the New Mexico Asian Film Festival runs 6-9 p.m. Friday featuring Asian short films produced by API directors, an awards ceremony and feature film celebrating Asians in film; and API Showcase and Marketplace from noon to 6 p.m. Saturday. The marketplace features taiko drummers, lion dancers, music, panes on API history and culture, food and drink by Asian-owned restaurants, and Asian vendors and artists. For more information or tickets, visit https://asianexponm.com.

5. In the mood for some roasted chiles? It’s opening weekend for the Shrine of the Little Flower, St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Parish’s annual drive-thru chile roasting. The Knights of Columbus will be selling freshly harvested chiles from Hatch and Lemitar in various heat levels. They can roast while you wait, or you can phone your order ahead of time by calling 505-235-4791. Hours are noon to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. For additional dates and details, visit the event’s Facebook page.

6. The Route 66 Visitor Center is hosting its ribbon cutting and grand opening celebration from noon to 9 p.m. Saturday at 12300 Central Ave. SW. For more details about the center, visit https://www.wccdg.org/route-66-visitors-center.

7. It’s going to be a Starry Night in Corrales Saturday. The balloon glow fundraiser for Corrales Main Street begins at 5:30 p.m. at Trees of Corrales. Enjoy music, drinks, dinner from M’tucci’s and a live auction. Tickets are $150 and are available for purchase through Thursday, Aug. 18. For tickets or more information, visit https://visitcorrales.com/starry-night.

Kevin Hendricks

Kevin, also known as Steak Sauce, is a reporter for the Neighborhood Journal with a focus on the Ventana Ranch area. He has over 14 years of journalism experience, including reporting, editing and page design.

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