Parents planning for the start of the 2022-23 school year may be wondering what supplies their children need when the first day of school hits next month. Here is a breakdown of supply list for Petroglyph Elementary School:
• Kindergarten: Two two-pocket folders with a special design; one package of four black chisel-tip dry erase markers; six or more Elmer’s glue sticks; two boxes of 24-count crayons; three containers of Clorox disinfectant wipes; two rolls of paper towels; one pencil box (not a zip pouch); one bottle of hand sanitizer with pump, one box of watercolor paints; two reams of letter-size white copy paper; two packages of 10 Crayola markers, two large pink erasers, two boxes of Kleenex tissues; two bottles of hand soap; one reusable water bottle; one pair of pointed Fiskar scissors; one box of colored pencils; one box of thick beginners pencils (not the standard No. 2 pencils); and one standard-sized backpack labeled with name, no wheels. Additionally, girls are asked to bring one package of baby wipes (not Clorox), one box of gallon-size Ziplock storage bags and one box of sandwich-sized Ziplock bags. Boys are asked to bring one package of 5-ounce Dixie cups, one box of snack-sized Ziplock bags and one package of thin, small paper plates (5-inch size). Each kindergarten teacher will also provide a supplemental supply list based on classroom needs; please label all supplies with the student’s name.
• First grade: Two boxes of tissues; two boxes of 24-count Crayola crayons; one box of colored pencils; one pair of pointed Fiskar scissors; one box of watercolor paints; three to five containers of Clorox or Lysol disinfectant wipes; two packs of four thin-tip dry-erase markers with eraser; two reams of letter-size white copy paper; eight glue sticks; four pocket folders with prongs; 36 No. 2 pre-sharpened pencils; two large pink erasers; one box of washable markers; two rolls of paper towels; four wide-ruled one-subject notebooks; one backpack (no wheels please). Additionally, girls are asked to bring one package of gallon storage bags and disposable children’s face mask while boys are asked to bring one package of quart- or sandwich-sized bags and one bottle of hand sanitizer. Only backpacks should be labeled with the student’s name as supplies are shared. Each first-grade teacher will provide a supplemental list based on classroom needs.
• Second grade: Two boxes of tissues; one 24-pack of Crayola crayons; two thin highlighters, one 12-inch wooden ruler; three containers of Clorox wipes; four glue sticks; one pair of pointed Fiskar scissors; three pocket folders without fasteners; 24 No. 2 pre-sharpened pencils; two large pink erasers; one box of washable markers; two reams of white letter-size copy paper; four 70-page wide-ruled spiral notebooks; one pack of thin-tip dry erase markers; an 8-inch plastic school box with no handle; one box of colored pencils; and one backpack. Second-grade girls are also asked to supply one package of gallon-sized storage bags and one roll of paper towels; while boys are asked to provide one package of quart-sized storage bags and one large bottle of hand sanitizer.
• Third grade: Three boxes of tissues; four 70-page wide-ruled spiral notebooks; four containers of Clorox or Lysol wipes; one 12-inch ruler; one pair of Fiskar scissors; four pocket folders; four glue sticks; one box of gallon-sized Ziplock bags; one red ballpoint pen; a 12-ounce bottle of hand sanitizer; one yellow highlighter; one box of Crayola markers; one box of Crayola crayons; one box Crayola watercolor paints; 48 pre-sharpened No. 2 pencils; one Fiskar pencil sharpener; one package of dry erase markers; one school box; two large erasers; and two reams of white letter-size copy paper.
• Fourth grade: Two boxes of Kleenex; one box of colored pencils; one nonbendable 12-inch ruler, wood or plastic; one roll of paper towels; two 70-page, one-subject, wide-ruled spiral notebooks; one package of dry erase markers; one backpack; two reams of white letter-size copy paper; one pencil pouch no larger than 5 inches by 8 inches; a 28-ounce bottle of hand sanitizer; one box of markers; two containers of Clorox or Lysol wipes; a six-pack of glue sticks; one pair of pointed scissors; 24 pre-sharpened No. 2 pencils; two large pink erasers, and six solid-colored photos. Please label with the student’s name ahead of time. Each teacher will also provide a supplemental list based on classroom needs.
• Fifth grade: Two boxes of tissues; one package of wide-ruled notebook paper; one pair of large, pointed scissors; 36 pre-sharpened No. 2 pencils; two containers of Clorox wipes; two reams of white letter-size copy paper; a 30-ounce bottle of hand sanitizer; two glue sticks; one package of colored pencils; five 70-page wide-ruled spiral notebooks; a four-pack of dry erase markers; three solid-color pocket folders with fasteners; and one backpack. Please label supplies with student’s name ahead of time. Each teacher will also provide a supplemental list of supplies based on classroom needs.
The first day of school at Petroglyph Elementary School is Aug. 10.