Late last month, Jay M. asked on NextDoor if lane markers were ever going to be painted on Wyoming Boulevard after portions of the road were resurfaced as part of an ongoing project.
One person replied, “They need to redo the paving. Awful job!” Another wrote, “They did a terrible job, feels like roller coaster every time I drive on it.” And another said, “Well now that it’s painted I’m assuming that means they are finished. What a terrible paving job … ruts and bumps … pathetic.”
Maia Rodriguez, a spokesperson for the Department of Municipal Development, said Wednesday that road work on Wyoming between Harper and Spain is still not finished. “They did the first phase of installing the asphalt, and they’re awaiting the second phase. In that second phase they will go on top and end up smoothing out those bumps that you’re talking about,” Rodriguez said. “So yes, it will be smoothed over in these coming weeks.”
Crews were also busy resurfacing San Francisco Road between Ventura and Wyoming earlier this month. On June 17, Heritage East Association of Residents member Paul Jessen posted a picture of construction signs on NextDoor, writing, “West San Francisco from Ventura to Wyoming is getting a ‘face lift.’ Will the bumps return?”
When asked if speed humps would be placed on that portion of San Francisco, Rodriguez said no. Construction on San Francisco and Ventura was originally scheduled to be complete June 24, according to a traffic report on the Municipal Development’s website.
Rodriguez urges residents to call 311 if they have questions or concerns about roadwork in and around their neighborhoods. “If it’s something about the roadways, I would probably just call 311. It’s going to be the best starting point because they’ll be able to see what kind of questions residents are asking and be able to point them to exactly who they need to speak with,” she said.