The city of Albuquerque, Federal Highway Administration and New Mexico Department of Transportation will be hosting public meetings to discuss proposed improvements to Unser Blvd. and Paseo del Norte.
District 5 City Councilor Dan Lewis announced the unanimous adoption of R-22-34 in June by the Albuquerque City Council that appropriated $100,000,000 in new projects for the city of Albuquerque using gross receipts tax improvement revenue bonds. Councilor Lewis co-sponsored the resolution that includes $15,000,000 for expansion of Paseo del Norte on the Northwest Mesa.

The $15,000,000 will allow the city to expand to four lanes on a segment of Paseo Del Norte to Unser Boulevard and the part of Unser Boulevard from Paseo Del Norte to Paradise Blvd. There has long been a major traffic choke point in the Northwest Mesa that extends on Paseo from Calle Nortena to Rainbow Boulevard, and on Unser from Kimmick Avenue to Paradise.
The first meeting will be a public open house on Wednesday at Taylor Ranch Community Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. 19 where project members will present the overall design to widen the roads. There will be two meetings, also at Taylor Ranch CC, with one from 10 a.m. to noon and another from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Those will be formal meetings that will include a presentation and allow the public to comment and ask any questions. The meetings on Oct. 19 can be attended via Zoom; contact Patti Watson at or 505-245-3134 for a link.
The new roadway sections will include four lanes, a median to separate oncoming traffic travelling in different directions, storm drainage to maintain a safe and dry roadway during inclement weather, and a multi-use pedestrian and bike trail. The project is expected to be advertised for construction in 2024.
Lewis said in a statement: “Since choosing to serve on the City Council once again, it has been one of my primary goals to widen and improve these critical roadways. This phase will go a long way to improving the quality of life of all the people on the Northwest Mesa, allowing them to spend more time with their families and making a living and not stalled in rush hour traffic. It will especially allow for the prompt critical delivery of emergency services to the neighborhoods located along these roadways. I will continue to tirelessly seek funding to complete the remaining roadway sections and will be working with the State Legislators and Federal Congressional Delegation to accomplish this effort.”