Nj asked Albuquerque residents on Nextdoor what news they would like covered in their areas, and here are their responses.
Tom James said, “Someone who posts videos on here from his YouTube channel ‘Whats Up With James’ would make a good Spotlight interview. His videos are always entertaining and about NM. His name on ND is James Dean. Here was his last on You Tube.”
Chris Fox said, “I would like to see efforts for pedestrian and bicycle safety addressed — specifically crossing Carlisle at Mackland and crossing Girard at Marble, both highly used by students and UNM students, staff, and medical personnel! My dog and I were hit by a car last summer trying to cross at Girard and Marble. We both survived with minor injuries but …….”
Paul Hudson said, “There used to be a column in the paper called ‘Dr Swampcooler’ or something similar and there was also one called ‘The Inspector.’ Both dealt with DIY home maintenance. I think that would be quite useful. There was another one called ‘The Bug Guy,’ Also quite useful. I learned quite a bit from all of them.”
Maria Bernstein said, “Anything on neighborhood happenings and events and the neighborhood association activities.”
Maureen Poulas said, “Sounds like a breath of fresh air compared to what we get for ‘news.’ It may be fun to highlight neighborhood businesses & their owners, little libraries, restaurant reviews, volunteer efforts/ yard sales, just the small stuff that can weave us together with our communities and create opportunities to get out there.”
Chamizal Macpherson said, “How about a section for the younger generation. Work with some of the local schools to participate and do features on special or unique things for kids.”
Angela T. said, “Feel good stories. We are bombarded with crime and politics but there are lots of good things going on too.”
Maria Daw said, “I like the library that recently opened on Central just east of Louisiana. I would like to know more about the reason for the library.”
KC Quirk said, “Flooding, mail theft, animal care and treatment, the do’s and don’ts of recycling.”
Sara O. said, “Can you do something like ‘humans of New York’ (on FB) — I think if we better know our neighbors and their stories — we’ll have more respect and understanding (and compassion). Everyone has a story and most of them are rich biographies. Take us away from gloom of lamenting the ART bus (old news, I know), instead write the story of the ART bus driver.”