Dozens of small businesses have been heavily targeted by thieves in the Northeast Heights, from churches to salons, nail shops, smaller eateries and now tattoo shops, all in the last year.

According to KOB, at least 10 tattoo shops have been targeted in just the last few weeks.

Cellar Door Collective Tattoo shop at Menaul and Wyoming estimated they’ve lost $15,000 to $20,000 in supplies when they were broken into on Saturday, July 16. Tattoo, salon and nail equipment can be extremely expensive, and small businesses can and will have to shut their doors when losing so much of their livelihood to thieves. According to the Cellar Door Collective Google business page, the shop has closed permanently.

Business owners say that police rarely respond to break-in calls anymore or followup on any investigations, and they even ask people to file their reports online. Business owners have now gone to social media asking residents to keep an eye out for thieves on crime watch groups.

APD is taking notice of these criminals and has asked the public to help find suspected individuals in a tweet Wednesday as well, urging people who may see or know anything about these crimes to call 242-COPS. The people in these photos are suspected in multiple burglaries around the city.

Cellar Door Collective has made a Go Fund Me to counteract the costs of these break-ins, asking for $5,000 with $3,700 raised so far. Amanda Torraco, who is fundraising for her husband said, “I am fundraising for my husband Tyson. On Saturday night (July 16) his tattoo shop was broken into and robbed. Many things were stolen including tattoo machines, speakers, tattoo ink, thermal fax machine, music equipment, artwork, and much more. Any donations are truly appreciated. It is a very unfortunate situation; he is one of the hardest working and selfless persons I’ve ever met. We are so thankful for all of the support from our people!”

To donate to the Cellar Door Collective fund, click here.

Rene Thompson

Local award-winning journalist and proud Burqueña over 25 years. Published in ABQ Free Press, Elbow Room NM, Alibi and NM Entertainment Magazine. Passionate about local issues and seeking the good news of our great city. Contact at:

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