Norio Hayakawa, activist and author of “UFOs, the Grand Deception and the Coming New World Order,” is hosting a public lecture on America’s growing conspiracy culture. The talk goes into depth about how conspiracy theories affect mental health and society as a whole.

Hayakawa said he is a long-time investigative reporter on UFO phenomenon and commentator on conspiracies. He explains it’s important for people to know the difference between real conspiracies and conspiracy theories.

Hayakawa plans to talk about conspiracies throughout history from 1947 with the creation of the CIA and NSA, to the JFK assassination, all the way to the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

The lecture is from 9:30-11 a.m. July 5 in room 5 at the Bear Canyon Senior Center, 4645 Pitt NE.

Rene Thompson

Local award-winning journalist and proud Burqueña over 25 years. Published in ABQ Free Press, Elbow Room NM, Alibi and NM Entertainment Magazine. Passionate about local issues and seeking the good news of our great city. Contact at:

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