Watermelon Mountain Ranch animal shelter is collecting items and raising funds to benefit the men and women who are battling the fires in northern New Mexico.

The most requested items include:

  • Bottled water
  • Electrolyte replacement drinks like Propel, Gatorade or powder to mix with water
  • Soda and energy drinks
  • Individual snacks (protein bars, jerky, crackers, nuts, potted meats)
  • Lip balm, sunscreen, burn cream
  • Wet wipes
  • Hygiene products (shaving cream, deodorant, tweezers)
  • Headache and allergy medicine
  • Socks, underwear and under shirts

Donations are being collected at the Watermelon Mountain Ranch location on the upper level of Cottonwood Mall from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday.

Monetary donations are also appreciated. Checks can be made out to Watermelon Mountain Ranch. If you do give a check, include your name and address so you can receive a tax deductible letter. Gift cards to coffee shops and food shops are also appreciated.

Kevin Hendricks

Kevin, also known as Steak Sauce, is a reporter for the Neighborhood Journal with a focus on the Ventana Ranch area. He has over 14 years of journalism experience, including reporting, editing and page design.

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